Intro to: Two artists on a beach
I open with a story...
No, this is more of an experience than a story. It might take a while to share this experience. But with the COVID-19 lurking outside most of us have some extra time on our hands.
I introduce you to two artists whom my husband, Kelly, and I
met on the beach in Corpus Christi. Their names are Cora Rose and Jose Luis
Vilchez. They are traveling 30,000 miles in a Funky painted bus labeled Art We
There Yet.
Because Kelly and I drove the scenic route to Corpus on Hwy 77 through
Waco, Rockdale and Victoria, where the churches are almost built one atop another, I
had in mind that the occupants of this odd bus were on some sort of religious
pilgrimage; That they were parked on the beach passing out pamphlets and saving
I personally was having my own communion with Nature, on the beach in Corpus Christi, surrounded by sand, sea and so many beautiful birds all trying to get our attention. So at first site of the bus, we just walked on passed.
I personally was having my own communion with Nature, on the beach in Corpus Christi, surrounded by sand, sea and so many beautiful birds all trying to get our attention. So at first site of the bus, we just walked on passed.
Later back at the hotel we picked up the local Island Moon news and there they were. Rose and Vilchez it turns out were on a pilgrimage. Their’s was a pilgrimage of hope, peace love and
an understanding that the diversity of people is what makes us all strong.
I returned to the beach ran up to the door and almost beat
it down before Vilchez opened up. Then while sitting in that bus, watching through the window as Kelly communed with the
seagulls outside, Vilchez shared his tea and his story. That next day I met Rose. And now I'm sharing their story with you.
So sit back and experience Cora Rose and Jose Luis Vilchez for
yourself. You’ll be so glad you did. If it whets your appetite for more Rose
and Vilchez please check back here for updates. And if you really, really want to follow their journey, go
to You’ll find a journal of their trip,
with photos, music and art. You will learn how you can help fund their work for
less than $2 a month, hear Rose sing and possibly snag a piece of their work
for yourself.
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